Solutions: shared solar for apartments

If you’ve always wanted to get solar for your apartment, this is your time to shine! Between rebates for apartment buildings from Solar Victoria, Allume’s SolShare technology, and a Guide to Solar for Apartments, help is at hand.

But of course, there’s nothing like talking to a human when you’re looking for help and advice. That’s where the High Life Expo comes in. You’ll meet suppliers and hear from solar experts in-person about how your owners corporation can install solar, and access the rebates.

Allume Energy will be on hand to tell you all about their SolShare technology, which enables the sharing of solar energy from a single rooftop solar system amongst multiple dwellings within the same building.

Like many good things, Allume Energy was born right here in Melbourne so it’s the perfect fit for their technology to enable solar for local apartments.

These days, Allume Energy have gone international but are still proudly developing and building their world first technology here in Australia.

Just another taste of what you’ll get at the High Life Expo.

Two Allume Solshare solar sharing systems mounted on a besser Block wall with electrics surrounding.

Allume’s SolShare system shares the power generated from one solar array into multiple apartments or units.


It’s electrifying!